Chapter: Chapter 55
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(A panel showing two of the potplants on board, a Pilea peperomioides and a Goeppertia insignis. A panel showing Emily asleep with her head in Dee's lap. Dialogue continues from the previous page, unconnected to panels.)
Dee: Not the same at all.
Emily: Not really. But that's okay! It's wild to think how much of Earth's surface is defined by life. On every level. All these other planets... They're not even samey, they just don't have what Earth has. All those interconnected ecosystems terraforming the place. Even including global warming. But it's just... the backdrop. The air I breathe. Looking at these places where it didn't happen, I don't think I can take it for granted the same way.
Dee: Yeah... I maybe take it for granted, also.
Emily: You? I thought you were wiser than that!
Dee: Me, wise!? Nah... I only came into existence as the end of life, not the absence of it. So a universe with life in it is all I've ever known, even if it's spread so sparsely. These worlds may be lifeless, but they're not dead, for my purposes at least.
Emily: Huh. What made you first visit places without life?
Dee: I can't recall... Maybe I went to a sun first, to find out what it was? And then I thought to wonder whether all the other things in the sky were like that...
Dee: Not the same at all.
Emily: Not really. But that's okay! It's wild to think how much of Earth's surface is defined by life. On every level. All these other planets... They're not even samey, they just don't have what Earth has. All those interconnected ecosystems terraforming the place. Even including global warming. But it's just... the backdrop. The air I breathe. Looking at these places where it didn't happen, I don't think I can take it for granted the same way.
Dee: Yeah... I maybe take it for granted, also.
Emily: You? I thought you were wiser than that!
Dee: Me, wise!? Nah... I only came into existence as the end of life, not the absence of it. So a universe with life in it is all I've ever known, even if it's spread so sparsely. These worlds may be lifeless, but they're not dead, for my purposes at least.
Emily: Huh. What made you first visit places without life?
Dee: I can't recall... Maybe I went to a sun first, to find out what it was? And then I thought to wonder whether all the other things in the sky were like that...