Zoe: Emily, I think this is completely insane, and I want to see whatever the heck happens.
(They walk back to the others, who are now in some other conversation.)
Harrison: Why wouldn't it matter to him? It matters to you, clearly.
Angie: But who HATES green!?
Jad: Well -
Markus (to Emily and Zoe): Did you guys sort it all out, then?
Zoe: Yep, I've decided to allow it. What's the issue here?
Jad: Ange didn't ask Tim for any input on her formal dress and is now cross that he won't wear a tie that matches.
Zoe: Oh no, I get that! Do you think you could match with accessories?
Angie: Maybe.
Jad: So do you two have dresses yet? Wanna go shopping together?
Zoe: Yeah ok!
Emily: Ella's bagsed shopping with me but if we don't get one first go, yeah!
One of the boys: Is that a girls only invite or are we boys allowed to come?
One of the girls: Of course you can come!
Alt text: Angie was expecting more sympathy when she brought up her relationship woes