↓ Transcript
(Dee’s hands forming Auslan signs for the individual letters A, B, C, D, and E.)
Dee (signing ‘bisexual’):
…and this means ‘bisexual’.
Emily: Oh! I love that! Thanks! I mean:
Emily (translated from Auslan): ‹Thanks!›
Emily: It’s funny… Like, I knew you’d be cool about it, but it’s still, I dunno, a relief that you are. Dunno how to sign that.
Dee: I’m glad you think so. Kinda relieved I’m not the one who put my foot in my mouth immediately, for once.
Emily (balancing precariously on the stool she is seated on): Haha, yeah nah, but it would’ve been okay.
Dee: I’ll cash my faux pas some other day, then.
(Dee’s hands forming Auslan signs for the individual letters V, W, X, Y, and Z.)
Alt text: inb4 emily fully flips backwards off the stool