Teacher: I was discussing the poem and the attitudes of its writer. Literature often takes on challenging-
Emily: There was a lot of bloody editorialising! Also I don't agree with your reading, I don't think that's the view in the poem. Either way, you're the teacher, you pick the poems, and you sure as heck didn't have to give a whole speech on how selfish and weak suicidal people are!
Teacher: I said they should get help and keep living! Suggesting suicide is in any way a good thing would be what's irresponsible!
Emily: But you were super loaded and judgey about it! Obviously suicide is awful, but think about it - if someone's in a situation where dying seems the better option, something is very wrong. It's not like, I woke up today and couldn't be bothered.
Alt text: you KNOW i am a star english student and debater and also general angry girl, i WILL tell you how to interpret your own use of language